Posted on 12/31/2020

First and foremost, the team at Nordgren Automotive wants to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year's! We can't believe how fast the year has flown by and that 2021 is officially here! We look forward to seeing each and every one of you in the New Year, and we hope you continue to have a safe winter season! We are excited to see what 2021 has to hold for all of us -- it is time for a fresh start. Speaking of fresh starts, 2021 also means it is time to start thinking of our New Year's resolutions. The team at Nordgren Automotive has a few suggestions, all car-related, of course. We can't help but think of all the time we spend with our vehicle. Why not have New Year's resolutions geared towards becoming a better and safer car owner? Here are four New Year's resolutions for being a better car owner: Keep your vehicle hydrated! Just like how we need fluids to stay happy, healthy, and hydrated, your car does too. These fluids can include brake ... read more