Monthly Archives: March 2018

Why Spring is the Best Time to Change your Air Filter

We have all heard the term “spring cleaning,” but did you know that it applies to your car as well? Your vehicle was working overtime during winter, and spring is the perfect time to give it some much-needed TLC. And one of the most important and beneficial tasks is to change your air filter. In fact, spring is the perfect time to change your air filter. Why? Here are three reasons:   Spring is almost synonymous with the pollen, and your car’s cabin air filter is a defense against this allergen. If your air filter is deteriorating, you may find pollen blowing through your vehicle’s car vents. Spring temperatures can be quite unpredictable, and you might find yourself blasting your air conditioner. If your cabin air filter is not changed regularly, gunk could start blowing into your car, which could your vehicle into a dusty mess. Your cabin air filter is imperative to your car’s overall performance. A clogged air filter can reduce the overall e ... read more

